
Donald Trump Was Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl — The Biggest Jeffrey Epstein Story No One Is Talking About

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]
This week there was a new dump of Jeffrey Epstein docs, and we noticed something really interesting. But less in these files themselves… No, something older and more explicit has resurfaced. One of the only direct accusations against one of the big names in Epstein’s orbit — and that name is Donald Trump.

Yes, Trump’s name is all over the new files, he was always exchanging calls with Epstein, some of the girls Epstein trafficked he met at Trump properties, Trump rode on the Lolita Express many times. But everyone basically knew that stuff. This was something apparently most people did NOT hear about. We guess it was all the folks searching for new Epstein info coming across it for the first time, but we noticed a LOT of people just now discovering the Katie Johnson accusations for the first time. If you haven’t heard about this, it’s horrific — truly the worst stuff Trump has been accused of. We’ll preface by saying the reason this story isn’t leading the news every night is because it’s from a lawsuit that was dropped years ago…

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“Katie Johnson” is the pseudonym used by a woman desperately trying to stay anonymous as she came forward with her story about Trump back in 2016. She eventually dropped her lawsuit, shortly before the election that year, just before she was set to go public in a press conference — citing fears for her safety. Trump fans will tell you it’s because it was all a hoax.

We may never know the truth. What we do know is what Katie accused Trump and Epstein of in her lawsuit — raping her when she was just 13 years old. A child.

Despite the lawsuit being dropped, we still have some of the documentation, and that’s what’s been shocking folks this week.

An official complaint from September 2016 explained Katie, along with other female minors, was “enticed by promises of money and a modeling career” to attend parties at Epstein’s residence in Manhattan in the Summer of 1994. Epstein told her to report to him everything she overheard the rich and powerful men at these parties saying — because “knowledge is king.” Per the suit, Trump was present for at least four of these parties. And each time he “initiated sexual contact” with Katie — who, again, was just 13 at the time. Trump would have been about 48.

A different filing from April of that year details the first three incidents. The first time, she claims, she “was forced to manually stimulate” Trump “until he reached sexual orgasm.” The second time, she says she “was forced to orally copulate” him. The third occasion there was another girl present, named Maria Doe in the docs. She was just 12 years old. Katie says the two were “forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act” in front of Trump for his “sexual enjoyment.” They were then forced to “orally copulate” him together “by placing their mouths simultaneously on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm.” The complaint adds:

“After zipping up his pants, Defendant Trump physically pushed both minors away while angrily berating them for the ‘poor’ quality of their sexual performance.”

In her accusations against Epstein, she says she was forced to disrobe and give Epstein a “full body massage.” She says at this time Trump was present, getting a massage from another girl, also 13 years old. Katie claimed Epstein put her hand on his penis until he “achieved sexual orgasm” — at which point she was made to clean up the mess.

It was on this occasion she claims to have heard Trump and Epstein “arguing over who would be the one to take Plaintiff Johnson’s virginity”:

“The Defendant, Donald J. Trump, was clearly heard referring to Defendant, Jeffrey E. Epstein, as a ‘Jew bastard’ as he yelled at Defendant Epstein that clearly, he, Defendant Trump, should be the lucky one to ‘pop the cherry’ of Plaintiff Johnson.”

Eventually Trump got his way, Katie claimed. The later complaint says in the fourth incident Trump raped her. Yes, it was rape because she was only 13. But it was also a violent story of sexual assault, so brace yourself.

The document put forth the claim Trump “tied [Katie] to a bed”, “exposed himself”, then “proceeded to forcibly rape” her:

“During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect.”

An interesting note from the earlier, more detailed complaint? Katie says she loudly pleaded with Trump to “please wear a condom” and he responded by hitting her:

“Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff Johnson in the face with his open hand and screaming that ‘he would do whatever he wanted’ as he refused to wear protection.”

Particularly of interest when you remember he refused to wear a condom with Stormy Daniels, too, per her testimony. This despite the fact he was married at the time.

Katie says she was “in tears” as she asked what would happen if he got her pregnant. She claims Trump threw some cash at her from his wallet and told her to use the money “to get a f**king abortion” then. The guy who a few years later would spearhead the overturning of Roe v Wade with his sneaky Supreme Court nominations.

Katie said after the rape, Trump “threatened” her if she ever told anyone about the assault, she “and her family would be physically harmed if not killed.” Epstein reiterated those threats later.

Speaking of Epstein, Katie claimed he raped her on a later date. Once again, she was giving him a full body massage. She says when he learned Trump had deflowered her, he became enraged and forcibly raped her. He attempted to sodomize her as well, but she fought back:

“This attempt to brutally sodomize and rape Plaintiff Johnson by Defendant Epstein was finally repelled by Plaintiff Johnson but not before Defendant Epstein was able to achieve sexual orgasm.”

The doc goes on to say after this, he “attempted to strike her about the head with his closed fists” screaming he “should have been the one who ‘took her cherry, not Mr. Trump.’”



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