Sweaty Trump Slurs His Words Again While Struggling to Get Through Latest Speech: Exhausted, Medicated, Other?
It’s hard to remember a major candidate for any political position who projected their own failings onto others as much as we’ve seen Donald Trump do since his appearance on the political scene.
And in no case has he done it with more frequency and amplitude than in his attacks on Joe Biden.
He’s called Joe “corrupt,” while having hosted foreign visitors looking for government favors. He criticized Joe for being old, when he’s — now that Joe is out of the race — the oldest person to ever run for president in history.
And boy, has he made fun of Joe for stuttering.
The things is, Joe’s had a stutter since he was a kid. We all know his history with it, what it took to (mostly) overcome it, the story of that stuttering kid who Joe sat down with to give him a little coaching…
There is no such history for Trump.
Donald has prided himself on his words since the day before the beginning of time. He even claimed to have “the best words” at the beginning of his presidency. I don’t know if there’s a list of those one can just memorize, but it there is, he probably wrote it.
That’s what makes his latest “glitch” at a rally so absolutely hypocritical, and frankly hilarious.
As Donnie Downer was hard at work trying to scare all those insecure voters in the red hats, he hit a pretty high speed bump that might have been a pebble in the road for you or me. He couldn’t say “purse snatching.”
He was rattling off a list of all the terrible things that criminals are doing and will continue to do unless you elect him and he can make breaking the law illegal again when he came across the word pairing on his teleprompter that he just couldn’t tackle.
It’s a shame — he was kind of on a roll:
“[Going] in homes after dark, looting them for jewelry,” he got out before the troublesome phrase popped up. “Purse s-s-s-sn, taking the women’s purses right out of their bedrooms.”
He even gave the little “what do you want from me?” finger flourish with his hands planted on the podium as he gave up trying to s-s-s-spit out the s-s-s-saying and opted for the easier version.
I feel a little bad here, making fun of Trump for experiencing what is obviously severe aphasia, coupled with… Wait, no I don’t.

People on social media had a field day: